URGENT!!This dog, who has no name yet turned up in a village near to Messines just over a week ago with her sister.
No-one knew where they came from or had any information about them.
This one followed a man home one night and he returned to the village with her the next day and spoke to another lady, who had been trying to help the two dogs.
He said he was going to drive them into the "campo" and leave them there if someone didn´t get rid of them! The lady begged for some time and he gave her 8 days to sort the dogs out.
The lady thought she had found somewhere at a refuge for this one but was let down at the last minute. The sister has gone to a friend for temporary accommodation but will also need rehoming. She was spayed today.
This one is with the lady and was spayed yesterday. However, she has too many dogs at home already and cannot realistically keep her. She will have to return to the street within 3 days despite having just been spayed. "No name" is very sociable, loves people, other dogs, is fine with cats and travels well in the car. She's about 6 months old.
Her sister who was spayed today was pregnant and so at least that unwanted pregnancy has been averted.
So, please if anyone can take "No Name", will you please call or e-mail Sally URGENTLY on 282 332621 or
sallylyons@mail.telepac.pt Thank you.
Cleo, so named for her fabulous eyes, is a 6 month old abandoned bitch with a very sweet temperament. She is extremely sociable although she must have been harshly treated wherever she came from. Cleo is in great condition, has been spayed and vaccinated and is disease free. Tel: 282 332 621
UPDATE: Cleo now lives in the donkey sancuary
Re homed!!!!